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I lend my voice to nurture a safe future for survivors as people, parents, and peers that contribute to our lives and communities.

72 Seconds

Every 72 seconds an American

is sexually assaulted. And every 9 minutes the victim is a child.


1 Hour

Studies have shown that sexual references are made anywhere from 8 to 10 times during 1 hour of prime time television.

— Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 

“We hosted Nubia as a panelist on an event in support of Trinitas Health Foundation’s fundraising campaign for the renovation of their Behavioral Health Center. Nubia was selected, as she is a perfect example of thriving through trauma while balancing self-care and coping skills for everyday challenges. Her poise, professionalism and impactful contribution made her not only a pleasure to work with, but her input was invaluable in terms of her easy delivery and messaging. She is a great addition to any group of speakers as her style blends easily with others, however she also makes an engaging solo speaker, as she has fun but captivating message that is essential to everyone trying to live a fulfilled and balanced life.”


 Marlie Massena, Bloomingdale’s NJ Trade Area Marketing Manager


Leading After Trauma
Best Audiences:
Key Takeaways: 

Chances are, there's at least one person at your company who has experienced trauma and/or sexual abuse. How do you foster a company culture that is healthy for survivors of sexual abuse or those with PTSD in the workplace? If you're a leader recovering from trauma, how do you turn your coping mechanisms into super powers? This talk is an inside look on how Nubia has learned to turn her mental health challenges into opportunities to cultivate a culture that embraces mental health for her team and clients.

  • Why trauma survivors who face their mental health challenges make the best leaders.

  • When to be vulnerable with colleagues/peers.

  • Manage your trauma and create boundaries in the workplace. 

  • How to give your employees a voice and be aware of their coping mechanisms.

Business owners, HR staff, employees, survivors of abuse, entrepreneurs.

Managing Panic Attacks in Parenthood
Best Audiences:
Key Takeaways: 

One mom’s journey (with both laughter and tears) dealing with panic attacks and triggers while raising her children who were at the age she was when she was abused.  As a survivor, panic attacks are going to happen more times than you think--during school, vacations, play dates-- never at a convenient time. This talk takes an honest and humorous look at how survivors and their loved ones can manage everyday parenthood with triggers around every corner.

Mothers and Fathers who are survivors of child sexual abuse and are about to be parents or are currently parents of children at any age.  This is a talk for parents who aren’t on a drug management plan.

  • Straight talk with our kids about their bodies and private parts from an early age.

  • Potential situations that can be triggering in parenthood and how to plan ahead and create a support system.

  • Not being afraid to set boundaries for yourself and your children with your family, friends, neighbors.

  • Explaining potential triggers and the additional mental load to your partner so that you become a stronger team.

Being a Partner to a Survivor and Surviving!
Best Audiences:
Key Takeaways: 

Partners of survivors have needs too, but before those needs can be met, they need to understand how to support their female survivor partner and it isn’t always an easy path to navigate.  Survivors carry eminent guilt for not being the best partner; frustration that they might be triggered while being intimate, and worried about being left because of panic attacks.  A survivor’s protective mechanism is to not need anyone, yet their biggest fear is abandonment. This talk will highlight what is going on in a survivor’s mind, how they cope withing romantic relationships, as well as, practical advice on how to understand your partner while taking care of yourself.




  • How to get into the psyche of your partner’s journey to heal so that you can be part of their support system. 

  • Supporting a survivor of abuse when they don’t know how to ask you for love and safety.

  • Understanding your partner’s ambivalent sex drive and finding balance in your romantic relationships.

  • Understanding your partner’s triggers and helping them set boundaries in social and intimate situations.

Men who are in a romantic relationship with a female survivor of abuse.

Do you need a speaker for your next event?

The Survivors Club

Are you a survivor of sexual assault or abuse? I would love to share with you resources for your journey to living your best life. 


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Represented by RAINN speaker’s Bureau


Previous Speaking Engagements

​TOGETHER Digital Virtual Summit Panelist

WLNY Wake Up With Marci

Hip New Jersey

Own Your Voice Summit

Trinitas Medical Center / Bloomingdales Peace of Mind Event

Creating a Digital Footprint for the Job Market for Medger Evers College

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